Scott Griswold
December 31, 2023

'Twas the Day After Christmas

T’was the day after Christmas…

·     gift wrappings pile on the floor hiding candy canes crushed in the carpet

·     the fridge groans, stuffed full of Christmas dinner leftovers

·     a son squeezes his mom a grateful hug goodbye and she cries happy tears

·     the decorations are packed away, along with heaps of special memories


T’was the days after Christ’s birth…

·     a nightmare vision warns Joseph to flee

·     a baby feels his mother’s panic as she tries to nurse him on the back of a fast-moving donkey

·     rumors chase them of Herod’s sword and devastated homes

·     an uncertain future looms, as the pyramids of a foreign country rise to greet them

·     gold, frankincense and myrrh are stowed away with memories of wisemen, shepherds, and angel songs


T’was the day after Christmas, 2023

·     A refugee camp is bombed inGaza

·     Families grieve more than100 Palestinian and Israeli deaths that took place since Christmas Eve

·     110 million other people braced for another year living in tents and shacks somewhere in the world instead of at home

·     Numerous countries held their stance that “there is no room in the inn” for refugees

·     More munitions got packed away while memories of other refugees were forgotten, like Abraham, Moses, Daniel, and Jesus.

In your days after Christmas, please give to help refugees. You can donate to organizations that serve refugees like ADRA International, Adventist Refugee and Immigrant Ministries, and ASAP Ministries.

Learn more about how to befriend refugees right where you are at Reach the World Next Door.

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